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奧圖碼4K UHD 雷射高亮度旗艦投影機「UHC63LV」在台北國際音響大展首亮相


【2023年08月10日】影像視覺及顯示領導品牌Optoma奧圖碼在8月10日至8月13日於第33屆「TTA國際Hi-End音響大展」推出「4K UHD雷射旗艦投影機UHC63LV」年度新品。

此款高階家庭劇院級投影機,擁有黑色流線的外觀、鏡頭具有1.6倍大變焦範圍,方便安裝、完美融入任何生活空間或影音室。UHC63LV是為日間觀看而設計的雷射投影機,擁有4800流明的高亮度,搭配真4K UHD解析度的高品質影像,可相容HDR10與HLG訊源。另憑藉著奧圖碼高階技術UltraDetail 極畫素顯像技術、PureMotion智慧插補技術和 Amazing Colour符合國際標準的色彩,帶來超流暢與準確、逼真的色彩重現,現場由奧圖碼專家親自帶領體驗沉浸式的頂級觀影饗宴。

展出期間除了新品發表會之外,每日下午兩點邀請2位業界達人講師到場分享,講座內容將分享如何在家中不升級音響設備,就能在觀看串流平台時有劇院般的5.1聲道體驗,從大師的分享中了解影音技術的無痛升級體驗。以及電玩達人將使用今年同為新品的奧圖碼智慧型4K UHD雷射家庭劇院投影機UHZ50+,以240Hz更新率和超低 4ms 輸入延遲,呈現沉浸式高畫質的電競逼真視覺,讓您如置身電玩遊戲角色環境,是獻給遊戲玩家的最佳設備。展間以150吋大型投影布幕呈現遊戲畫面,給來訪民眾絕佳的的立體視聽享受。因空間有限,每場講座提供十位民眾參與影廳體驗,有興趣的來賓可以提前透過奧圖碼的臉書粉絲團預約。



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For more information and product images, please contact:
Ariel Liu
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: (02)8911-8600
About Optoma

Optoma is a world leading designer and manufacturer of projection and sound products for business, education, professional audio/video and home entertainment.

Optoma’s projection products combine superior image processing technologies with exceptional engineering and innovation to deliver stunning crystal clear images with ultimate reliability.

Optoma projectors use DLP® technology, pioneered by Texas Instruments. This uses millions of mirrors to produce high quality imagery which does not suffer colour degradation over time, as sometimes experienced in other projector technologies.

The Optoma NuForce sound range is designed for people that care about audio. They are built from premium quality components to deliver sleek design and exceptional sound.

The Optoma Group has continental headquarters in Europe, the USA and Asia; whilst Optoma Europe, based in London, covers Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Local services are delivered from regional offices in France, Germany, Norway, Spain and the Netherlands and sales representatives in the Czech Republic, Dubai, Italy, Poland, Russia, Romania and Saudi Arabia. www.optoma.com